Some of the most common antihistamines with motion sickness relieving properties are dimenhydrinate, diphenhydramine, and meclizine. Over-the-counter antihistamines reduce or eliminate motion sickness discomfort in many people, and there’s no need for a doctor’s appointment to obtain them. Scopolamine reduces the urge to vomit, but it should not be taken by those with glaucoma, urinary tract disease, digestive system disorders, or asthma.īestReviews Medical Expert Over-the-counter motion sickness relief for adults Prescription motion sickness transdermal patches or tablets – scopolamine is the most common drug – can be quite effective for many people, but you’ll need to visit your doctor to obtain this type of motion sickness relief. Prescription motion sickness relief for adults If you know you’ll be in a situation likely to cause the problem – you’re going on a boat or an airplane, for example – take your motion sickness relief in advance. While you’ll get some relief taking or using your motion sickness relief treatment once the discomfort starts, it’s most effective to start treatment before the nausea kicks in. There are many methods for warding off or relieving motion sickness, although none of them work for all sufferers. In these cases, even though the muscles and inner ear don’t detect any movement, the eyes are signaling the brain that it’s on a wild ride, thus leading to sensory confusion and motion sickness. Some susceptible people become motion sick playing video games or watching films that give the sensation of being in a form of transportation. The cure here is generally simple – if you are prone to this form of motion sickness, keep your gaze on the passing scenery outside the window instead of reading or looking at a fixed image.

Fixing your eyes on a steady page tells your brain that you aren’t moving, yet your inner ear and muscles detect irregular motion, triggering the confusion in your brain that leads to motion sickness. One particularly common cause of motion sickness is reading or otherwise looking down in a moving car, train, boat, or plane. All of this contradictory sensory information “overloads” your brain, causing your body to release stress hormones that lead to the familiar dizzy, nauseated, and generally sick feeling known as motion sickness. Meanwhile, your inner ear, which contains delicate structures that help maintain balance, feels the rapid and irregular movements. In a situation where movements are irregular, such as on a tossing boat, airplane in turbulence, roller coaster, or in a car winding around sharp turns, your eyes tell your brain that you are moving rapidly, but your muscles send messages that you are sitting still. It’s generally accepted that motion sickness happens when your brain receives conflicting messages from your eyes, inner ear, and muscles. The other 75% of adults are somewhere in the middle they experience symptoms of motion sickness when conditions are particularly conducive, but they are okay in milder situations. While roughly 10% of adults are very susceptible to motion sickness, becoming queasy even on a gently rocking boat or mildly winding roadway. Up to 15% of adults don’t become motion sick even on rocky seas or spinning amusement park rides. Not all adults are equally susceptible, however. While children are more susceptible than adults, a sizable percentage of adults become motion sick under certain circumstances, and women are likelier to be affected than men. Motion sickness – it’s also called travel sickness or seasickness, although the medical term for it is kinetosis – is a bit of an enigma. Just about everyone experiences motion sickness at one time or another, but there’s no reason to let this common affliction spoil your vacation. Simply keep reading for everything you need to know about understanding and choosing between the various types of motion sickness relief for adults. However, with so many different OTC treatments for motion sickness relief available, how do you choose the right one for you?Īt BestReviews, our mission is to make your purchasing decisions easier with our product recommendations and shopping guides. While there are prescription medications that help relieve motion sickness, for most people over-the-counter remedies are enough to handle mild to moderate cases. Dizziness, nausea, sweating, and sometimes vomiting are the hallmarks of this unpleasant malady, which although normally self-limiting, can be bad enough to spoil an outing or vacation. Whether it’s caused by choppy waters on a boat ride or cruise, the winding back and forth of a drive on a mountain road, or a rough trip on an airplane or train, few people are completely unfamiliar with the misery of motion sickness. Buying guide for Best motion sickness relief for adults